One solution to not getting this is to CHILL OUT. Stress and a weakened immune system activates Shingles and will do this to your body.
Day 1: Right now, they were swelling and were tender and itchy. So it sucked.
Day 2: That night I wrapped my arm and put cortisone cream on it. A few of the pores popped.GROSS
Day 3: I continued to wear the wrap around my arm, and put cortisone cream on it. Took showers everyday to keep it clean. And kept taking my medicine.
Day 4: Here you can see that some are almost ready to pop. It's quite sick actually. Some have already popped.
Day 5: Here a lot of them have popped and are open. I kept at the cortisone cream and medication.
Day 6: Now they are healing. Quite dry and flaky.
Day 7: Still dry and flaky, I picked a little :S Do not recommend it.